Carbon Reduction Plan

Published: May 2024

At HartDixon we are committed to achieving net zero. Consideration has been given on how we can achieve this at company level, and within our projects in accordance with the UK Government guidance. Our Carbon Reduction Plan identifies how we plan to achieve this ahead of the 2050 deadline.



HartDixon is dedicated to attaining net zero emissions in accordance with the guidelines set by the UK Government. We believe in taking proactive steps to decarbonise our organisation ahead of the legal target, fostering a company-wide awareness of the path forward.

Looking at our baseline emissions, there are three areas of considerations, emissions from sources that we own (Scope 1), emissions from sources from electricity needed to operate (Scope 2), and emissions from sources that we are indirectly involved with (Scope 3).

  • 2025

    Reduced by


  • 2030

    Reduced by


  • 2035

    Reduced by


  • 2050

    Reduced by


Scope 1

Direct Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions represent those emissions originating from sources entirely within the control or ownership of an organisation. In the case of HartDixon, the company maintains ownership of four company vehicles, which collectively covered a total distance of 1880 miles exclusively for business-related purposes throughout the year 2021. These direct emissions are a key focal point in our sustainability efforts as we continually assess and manage our environmental impact, working towards a more sustainable and responsible future.


From four company cars, three of which are petrol and one hybrid

Scope 2

In addition to our direct emissions, it's crucial to acknowledge the significance of indirect emissions arising from the generation of purchased electricity, heating, and cooling utilised by HartDixon. While we lease our office space and don't have direct control over these utilities, we recognise our responsibility in influencing their environmental impact. Fortunately, as the grid transitions towards more sustainable and renewable forms of electricity generation, our indirect emissions are expected to decrease accordingly. This aligns with our ongoing commitment to reduce our carbon footprint and embrace environmentally friendly practices that contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable energy future.

from electricity use

HartDixon leases an office where 100% of its electrictiy is via renewable sources.

Scope 3

This includes all other indirect emissions that occur in HartDixon's value chain. The main contributor is the purchase of essential IT equipment which has a very high embodied carbon per Kg of equipment. Due to the small size of our office, the waste produced is minimal which produces a relatively small carbon footprint. We will look to recycle as much as possible. Thanks to our employees commitment to using public transport where possible, over half of our business travel was by train, a low carbon method of transport, and 90% of our employees commute by rail.

from IT equipment

Which has a very high embodied carbon per Kg of equipment

from business travel

The business has grown by five staff members, consequently increasing business travel.

from staff commute

Over 90% of this was by rail, a low carbon form of transport.

from F-Gases

HVAC system with a factored leakage rate of 0.003 (BREEAM 2018).